West Seattle High School

West Seattle
High School

Athletic Registration

West Seattle High School (WSHS) Athletic Registration

Please follow the Athletic Registration directions below. Complete online Registration, Fees and Physical Forms to get Final Athletic Clearance with the Athletic Department.

Registration: FinalForms is an online forms system that will help us improve compliance and safety and is used for West Seattle High School Athletic Registration. FinalForms allows you to complete and sign athletic participation forms from your computer, tablet or mobile device.

FinalForms saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year, making the registration process quick and easy. Athletes may register for multiple seasons at the same time. Additionally, users may log in at any time to update information including emergency medical contacts. Users will be required to sign forms once per year and any time an update is made.

Register for West Seattle High School Athletics on FinalForms

NOTE: Final Athletic Clearance from the Athletic Office is required prior to participating in a sport. Physical Forms (completed, signed by physician and stamped with clinic name) are to be uploaded into your FinalForms account.

Athletic Registration Fees

Students participating in West Seattle HS Athletics are required to purchase an ASB sticker. These funds directly support the cost of athletic programs: game transportation, equipment, uniforms, and more. Athletes must provide proof (receipt) for final athletic clearance. Securely purchase ASB for the 2024-2025 school year. Upload a copy of the SchoolPay receipt to your FinalForms account.

FinalForms Instructions

You will need the following information to allow for accurate completion of your online registration:

  • Basic Medical History & Health Information Insurance Company & Policy Number Doctor and Dentist Contact Information Hospital Preference

Creating an Account

FinalForms sends an email to parents and students with steps to create a FinalForms account. The student must be enrolled at West Seattle High School before an account creation email is sent. See below for steps for how to create an account. If you need assistance creating your account, please contact FinalForms technical support at support@finalforms.com.

Registering a Student

  1. Visit FinalForms Click Login under the Parent icon. Click Incomplete Forms. Select the sports for which you would like to register. Your selection can be changed at any time prior to the registration deadline. Complete each form and sign your full name in the Parent Signature field at the bottom of the page. After signing a form, click submit form and move on to the next form. You will see  a “Forms Finished” message when all forms are complete. If required, an email will automatically be sent to your student, prompting them to complete the forms requiring their signature. Click My Students when you are done. Repeat steps 3 – 6 for additional students. If you need to update your information, click the Update Forms button.


Medical insurance is required to participate in high school athletics.

If you do not have medical insurance, we provide information regarding student accident and health insurance coverage administered by Myers-Stevens & Toohey, Inc. Coverage is available for:

  • Interscholastic Tackle Football
  • School-Time Accident Plan
  • Full-Time 24/7 Accident Plan
  • Dental Accident Plan

These low cost plans are used by many school districts across the state. Although they are not the only provider of this type of coverage, they have been recommended by our Washington Schools Risk Management Pool.

Physical Participation Forms

Sports physicals are current for two calendar years. Upload a current physical form into your athlete’s Final Forms account. NOTE: Physical Forms must be signed by physician and stamped with clinic name. Don’t know if the physical is current? Check The Source if you were enrolled in a sport at West Seattle HS  during the 2019-20 school year.

Students Not Enrolled Full-time at WSHS

Students Not Enrolled Full-time at WSHS, Newly Transferred 10th, 11th and 12th Grade Students or Exchange Students will need to fill out additional forms and provide grades from previous school. Questions? Email Athletic Director Corey Sorenson at cjsorenson@dlokoko.com or Athletic Secretary, Latisha Ellis at ljellis@dlokoko.com.

Students are required to complete a WIAA contract if they do not attend the school full-time. See below for specific information.

Running Start

If you are enrolled in Running Start, please complete the WIAA Running Start Contract on the WIAA website . Under Resources and Training click the Green Button and then scroll down to find the WIAA Running Start Contract . Return the Running Start contract to the Athletics Dept Secretary located in the Main Office. Print your class schedule, and return the Running Start contract and a copy of your schedule to the Athletic Assistant, located in the Main Office.

Off-Campus Classes/Private Schooled & Home Schooled Students

If you are enrolled in any off-campus classes, please complete the Alternative Education or Home Based Education Contract on the WIAA website . To find it, Under Resources and Training click the Green Button and then scroll down to find the Alternative Education School or Home Based Education Contract . Print your class schedule, and return to the Athletics Department Secretary in the main office. IMPORTANT: You must complete the two steps below prior to bringing documents to the Athletic Department.

  1. Confirm your neighborhood school by using the “Address Look Up Tool”. Provide proof of WSHS ASB fee purchase and Provide your most current semester grades to the Athletics Department Secretary, located in the Main Office.


Grade checks are run throughout each sports season. Please provide a copy of previous semester grades at the beginning of the sports season and most recent quarter grades as you receive them. Failure to provide grades may make you ineligible for competition. If you attend any other school for ANY classes, you must provide the Athletic Department with your grades from that school.

Students Not Enrolled Full-time at West Seattle HS “Out of District”

Students are required to complete a WIAA contract if they do not attend the school full-time.

Off-Campus Classes/Private Schools & Home School

If you are enrolled in any off-campus classes, please complete the Alternative Education School Contract on the WIAA website . To find it, click Expand below Student Eligibility and Related Issues and then scroll down to find the Alternative Education School Contract .Print your class schedule, and return to the Athletic Office, Main office. Depending on your status please follow the instructions below prior to bringing documents to the Athletic Department.

Home School

If you are home schooled, please complete the Home Based Education School Contract on the WIAA website . To find it, click Expand below Student Eligibility and Related Issues and then scroll down to find the Home Based Education School Contract .Print your class schedule, and return to the athletic office. IMPORTANT: All “Out of District” athletes must also follow the instructions below prior to bringing documents to the Athletic Department.

  1. Confirm your neighborhood school by using the “Address Look Up Tool”. Guardian/student completes SPS Online Enrollment Once enrolled, please contact the Athletics Department Secretary, Latisha Ellis at ljellis@dlokoko.com 206-252-3889.


Grade checks are run throughout each sports season. Please provide a copy of previous semester and most recent quarter grades. Failure to provide grades may make you ineligible for competition. If you attend any other school for ANY classes, you must provide the Athletic Office with your grades from that school